

  • Intake Session for New Clients (return clients shorten)
  • All Day Psilocybin Administration Session with facilitator
  • Room Reservation of choice @ Fractal Soul included
  • Integration next-morning email check-in 
  • All Fractal Health client resources, courses & guides

What's Included

For those ready to hold their psilocybin therapy session in a sooner timeframe. Must be approved, not appropriate for those with substantial fear, no prior inner work, or are in active addiction. For those ready, this Program can be very effective.

Express 1-2 Week Program



  • Intake Session for New Clients (return clients waive)
  • 1 Week of Additional Preparation, customized to client needs (nutrition, medication titration, emotional readiness) 
  • All Day Psilocybin Administration Session with facilitator
  • Room Reservation of choice @ Fractal Soul included
  • One week of integration support (includes 1:1 session)
  • All Fractal Health client resources, courses & guides

What's Included

Our most popular program for those who need a moderate amount of preparation time and light integration support. Timing can be adjusted from 2 weeks to 8 weeks by pacing appointments.

Standard 4-Week Program



  • Intake Session for New Clients (return clients waive)
  • 3 Weeks of Additional Preparation, customized to client needs (nutrition, medication titration, emotional readiness) 
  • Half-Day Psilocybin Therapy Session with facilitator (4-10mg)
  • All-Day Psilocybin Therapy Session with facilitator (20-50mg)
  • Room Reservations of choice @ Fractal Soul included
  • Four weeks of integration support with weekly sessions
  • All Fractal Health client resources, courses & guides

What's Included

Our most effective Program for lasting change. Provides clients with ample time to prepare, a low-dose AND high-dose psilocybin therapy sessions, and a full month of integration afterward.

Signature 8-Week Program

our programs

Psilocybin purchase is not included in Program fees, and must be purchased with CASH onsite at Fractal Soul the morning of your session. Product may not be taken home.

$400 discount on any Program above

Return Client Pricing

Limited 50% Discount on any Program for those facing significant financial hardship

Equity Client Pricing

payment plans available. hsa/fsa may be accepted.

payment plans available. hsa/fsa may be accepted.

payment plans available. hsa/fsa may be accepted.

Coming in with a partner, family member or friend? Inquire about couples/group pricing.


We use a bottom-up, cost-based approach to our client pricing in order to keep costs as low as possible. Facilitators will spend between 8 and 20 hours with each client, and their per-hour pay is less than you would pay a licensed therapist. It's important to know that while LPC's are required to have Master's degrees, their licensing fees are only around $200/yr. Psilocybin Facilitators must pay $2,000 a year for their license, and graduate from an approved training program often costing $10K or more. Most Fractal Health facilitators have Master's (or higher) level degrees, anyway! In addition to paying our professional facilitators a fair compensation that covers their costs of practice, we have traditional business expenses like marketing, lease, and management wages. If we priced by value, our programs would likely be in the $10 to $20K range. That's just how life-changing this therapy is - which actually makes it really inexpensive compared to alternatives.

how is your pricing determined?









Our Signature Program is recommended for anyone who has the financial means, because it is an extended, structured program that gives you plenty of face time with your facilitator, time to implement our self-led guides, work on physical support like nutrition, and have two separate psilocybin sessions - one a 'preparatory' session for the other. However, if you are unable to afford the Signature Program, you will still get transformative benefit from Standard.

The Standard Program will be effective for most clients who do not need extended Preparation or Integration. Psilocybin is effective after 1 session. 

Our Express Mini-Package is best for people who are already experienced, are physically and emotionally ready and do not have severe mental illness or an active addiction. Feel free to schedule a consult to discuss what is right for you!

How Do I Choose A Package/Program?









Generally we can get experienced practitioners and return clients in within a few days, pending facilitator availability.

The average intake to session timeframe is three to five weeks.

We will schedule sessions for clients as far out as six months, which is helpful for clients who would like to be on an affordable payment plan, and spend ample time physically and emotionally preparing. This also locks you in to current pricing, even if prices increase by your session date.

We highly recommend going ahead and getting your price & program locked in as far in advance as possible.

What is the Soonest & Furthest Out I can book?









We are the only Oregon Psilocybin Service Center which charges a consistent price across all facilitators on our team. Your Program Pricing listed above includes all Fractal Health costs and all Fractal Soul costs (including room rental) EXCEPT for your actual psilocybin product purchase.

Psilocybin will be sold to you the morning of your session(s) at a tax-inclusive price of $5/mg, which MUST be paid with cash. If you forget, there is an ATM in the next door building.

Other than this, you will only incur travel costs if applicable. We will work with you to schedule your session date around inexpensive times to fly, and have many inexpensive AirBNB and Hotel lodging options to recommend.

Are there any additional fees? I want to get a sense for 'total cost'









It is true that the 'up front' cost of psilocybin therapy tends to be more than talk therapy, medications and ketamine therapy, all of which are broken up over time. 

However, if we look at ANNUAL costs of these alternative treatments, we find that talk therapy can add up to thousands of dollars, and ketamine is even more expensive. These items or medications may be covered partially by insurance, but clients still ultimately pay via premiums and deductibles, and are subject to strict approvals and regulations around their treatment.

Psilocybin is also extremely EFFECTIVE. When looking at cost, it is critical to consider benefit or 'payoff'. Most successful psilocybin therapy sessions are still delivering benefits & life changes to our clients a year or more later.

how does the cost of psilocybin therapy compare to alternatives?









There can be, if you can get your employer to provide benefits!

We partner with a psychedelic-focused insurance administrator called Enthea who integrates with all major insurance providers. Coverage is employer-based and any employer can choose any amount of coverage for their employees - flat fee, percentage, etc.

If this interests you, please reach out to us and our sales team would be happy to speak to your employer's HR department.

Is there insurance coverage?









Our team is not looking to work with everyone. We love finding and working with our ideal clients: People who are committed to change, take their Program seriously (putting effort in, approaching this medicine with respect and consideration) and want to feel like they are part of an extended family of self-healers. We have many return clients who schedule annual 'tune up' sessions with us. We have many couples who come in together. We love building long-term relationships with our clients and return client pricing is substantially less. We are also the only psilocybin therapy provider in Oregon with structured, holistic Programs including resources, guides and nutrition/health support.

If this sounds amazing to you, then we're probably the right fit! If you read this and think 'meh', or you're solely interested in finding the lowest price, then we probably aren't. Quality, safety, and outcome are not equal with all Providers. As with any industry, the lowest cost providers often cut safety & quality corners.

Why should i choose fractal health over another provider?

















Sure! We offer fully custom payment plans for every client for NO additional fee. It works kind of like lay-away. You can purchase your Program any time you like and are welcome to start through Preparation as soon as your $500 deposit is paid. You can split the remaining balance into as many payments as you like, but the full balance is due by your administration session date.

Many clients are in more of a rush to get in sooner vs later. If this is the case, feel free to put your Program fee on your credit of choice to pay off later.

Additionally, many of our clients have had success utilizing HSA or FSA funds to pay for their services.

Can you Tell Me about your payment plans?

go back

pricing faq's

Fractal Health & Fractal Soul uphold each client's right to a safe experience with us. Client safety is our #1 priority and we may decline to serve some clients for their own safety. Threatening, aggressive or demeaning behavior by any client is not tolerated.

Clients are not obligated to interact with other clients or facilitators onsite at Fractal Soul.

right to safe experience

If you are requesting psilocybin therapy services, please ensure you are legally eligible:
- You are 21 years of age or older
- You have not been diagnosed with psychosis
- You are not actively have thoughts of causing harm to yourself or others
- You are not taking Lithium or could stop taking it (with doc approval) 30+ days before your session.
- You do not have history of manic episodes.

legal eligibility

A minimum $500 deposit will be required to begin any Program. This amount is 50% refundable if canceled prior to first Preparation session, and non-refundable once a client has held their first Preparation session. The remaining balance is due on a payment schedule per client's preference but must be paid by the date of administration session. 

Fractal does not issue refunds post-session.

deposits & refunds

// FRactal health does not sell psilocybin

Booking Policies